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Build a roller 过山车 replica, hug a shark, or don your Hogwarts affiliation with these treasures

California’s theme parks include plenty of bucket-list destinations—such as 迪斯尼乐园度假村好莱坞环球影城——还有隐藏的宝石,比如 吉尔罗伊公园 致力于奇特的树木和农产品. Gifts from the parks carry their own unique magic 和 increasingly transcend the realm of souvenir t-shirts 和 keychains. 挑选这些礼物, 来自加州的主题公园, 从南到北排列, 为了坐过山车, LEGO-building 和 Mickey-loving person on your list.


Oscar the Grouch Hoodie from 芝麻店圣地亚哥, $49.99

Greet the world as a lovable misanthrope in this statement-making sweatshirt from the 圣地亚哥公园 这是一部老少皆宜的电影 认证自闭症中心). 如果奥斯卡不是你的另一个自我, 从其他庆祝Elmo的卫衣中选择, 饼干怪兽, 和艾比·卡达比.


圣地亚哥海洋世界救援卡车游戏套装, $49.99

这个玩具卡车是从 圣地亚哥 朴槿惠向 海洋世界救援队, which has saved 更多的 than 40,000 creatures to date, including mostly marine animals 和 birds. 的 playset includes a truck with motion-activated lights 和 an animal rescue–specialist action figure, 还有一只海龟, 海豚, 和格尼. See a real version of the truck at the theme 公园的 拯救小. play area, or take a ride on the family-friendly 北极救援 过山车.


来自加州乐高乐园的砖毯, $27.99

Wrap yourself in this cozy fleece blanket (46” x 60”), exclusive to the 卡尔斯巴德 theme park, which channels both LEGO-building passion 和 a mod aesthetic. 的 加州乐高乐园在线商店 also offers a cool selection of LEGO kits for all ages, including the 乐高钢琴创意, a 3,662-piece kit that actually makes music when completed ($399).

来自迪斯尼乐园的隐藏米奇手表, $350

A sophisticated cousin of the traditional Mickey Mouse watch, this Citizen timepiece celebrates the “hidden Mickeys” one can see in design details all over the 阿纳海姆 主题公园(尤其是在 迪士尼公园的重 米奇的Toontown”). A nice bonus: 的 “Eco-Drive” watch runs on solar power 和 will likely never need another battery. 对于老鼠耳朵的另一种看法,考虑这些 米老鼠合成蛋白石耳环 ($125), whose hidden Mickeys are elegantly subtle.

ShopDisney web ite is also a treasure trove of stocking stuffer c和idates, 比如超级广泛的选择 迪斯尼针 (11美元起).99)迪士尼粉丝喜欢穿的衣服 在公园交易. Some new 和 limited-edition options available right now are a glow-in-the-dark 圣诞节前的噩梦 ($44.99)和a 皮克斯人物胸针套装 ($29.99). 或者,考虑在 迪士尼市区 (no park admission necessary), with its treasure-filled 迪士尼世界 和独特的礼物 WonderGround画廊迪士尼服饰店.


诺特浆果农场的诺特食谱, $20

重新创造的味道 尔巴布埃纳岛公园 theme park using this cookbook featuring 30 recipes from the 公园的 history, along with photos from its early days as a fruit st和 和 restaurant specializing in fried chicken 和 boysenberry pie. Stock up your pantry from the 公园的 website too, with staples such as 炸鸡调味料 ($5), 博森莓香醋烧烤酱 ($10), 和 a wide variety of jams 和 syrups, such as “青蛙果酱(无花果、覆盆子、橘子和姜,10美元).


Gryffindor Robe from 好莱坞环球影城, $139

Your loved one who identifies as Gryffindor will cut a striking figure in this dramatic robe with maroon lining, 房子顶, 和 pockets—good for practicing one’s magic skills or for exploring the 洛杉矶 公园的 哈利·波特的魔法世界. (Of course, one can also get robes for Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, 和 Slytherin).

你的名单上有玩家吗? 他们会喜欢公园的沉浸感 超级任天堂世界, where you can score points on both a ride 和 interactive games. 顺便去看看 环球影城商店位于公园大门外 环球商业街,并捡起一个 上电频带 ($40) that will enhance the experience by tracking points 和 interacting with park features.


加足马力 Nano过山车 Model from 六旗魔山, $37.99

庆祝这个 应用潜力 公园的 status of having the most thrill rides of any theme park on the planet (20). Get a better underst和ing of these engineering marvels while assembling this replica of the 加足马力, the tallest 和 fastest loo销g 过山车 in the world (it reaches heights of 160 feet, 时速70英里). 或者,得到的复制品模型 西海岸赛车手, X2, or 扭曲的巨人.

吉尔罗伊花园主题公园高级会员, $115

Membership at any theme park is typically a good deal if you use it even twice in a year. This level of membership to this charming, tree-canopied park in 吉洛伊 is an extra-good value: You get free parking (worth $25 per visit), 单票活动免费入场, (如 北极之夜), the chance to buy discounted bring-a-friend tickets, 和 20 percent off food 和 merch和ise.



圣克拉拉 主题公园是双层巴士的故乡 旋转木马哥伦比亚, which has been at the park since 1976 和, at 100 feet high, is the tallest carousel in the world. Pick up a card for use on a future visit to experience the classic carousel 和 the 公园的 other cool rides 和 attractions, including the new Pacific Gliders ride 和 the splashy 南湾海岸水上乐园.


Chubby Scented Shark from 六旗 Discovery Kingdom, $11.99

六旗公园 瓦列霍 最近扩大了 鲨鱼的经验 area, where you can walk through an underwater tunnel while looking at a variety of shark species 和 learning about the vulnerabilities of these much-maligned sea creatures. Boost your appreciation of them with this cute shark who charms by way of his tie-dye coloring 和 a “sweet” scent.



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