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This Northern California city brims with urban sophistication and an outdoorsy vibe
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的城市 整理 is ideally situated to serve as a home base to visit several area natural wonders, including 拉森火山国家公园麦克阿瑟-伯尼瀑布州立纪念公园Whiskeytown湖. But this leafy urban center—located about 160 miles north of Sacramento—also harbors surprising gems within its city limits. Discover a buzzing downtown packed with brewpubs and bistros, 游览萨克拉门托河上令人惊叹的生态博物馆, 在装饰艺术剧院看一场音乐会, 探索一个广泛的步道系统. Plus, you can play outside all year long because 整理 boasts 更多的 than 300 days of sunshine.


雷丁必看名单上的第一名是 龟湾探索公园, a 300-acre venue featuring a glass-and-wood eco-museum, 植物园, seasonal butterfly garden that blend seamlessly with the Sacramento River's ecosystem. Exhibits designed for all ages let you look into a golden eagle's eyes, 与豪猪近距离接触, walk into an aviary filled with 澳大利亚n lorikeets, one of the world's most colorful birds (don't be surprised if they land on your head).

Outside the museum, traipse across the 710-foot-long 日晷桥, part engineering marvel and part art installation. 建筑师设计 圣地亚哥卡拉特拉瓦, the pedestrian bridge's 218-foot-high "mast" casts a shadow during daylight hours, 创造一个艺术计时装置. After dark, the bridge's translucent glass floor glows a cool aquamarine.

安排好你的旅行时间,这样你就可以看一场1935年的演出了 级联剧院这是一个装饰艺术的奇迹. The 950-seat perfor最小值g arts venue hosts musicians like Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Jim Messina. 演出结束后,过马路到 复古酒吧 来点睡前小酌和甜点.


和精力充沛的孩子一起旅行? 让它们到处乱蹦 稀有空气蹦床公园 或者爬墙 沙斯塔岩石俱乐部. 或者带他们去加州实地考察历史 沙斯塔州立历史公园. 19世纪50年代, this was the queen city of California’s northern 最小值ing district, 与酒店, 商店, saloons in the largest row of brick buildings north of San Francisco.

全家人都可以骑自行车游览雷丁. With 更多的 than 200 miles of trails within a 15-mile radius, 整理 has earned its nickname as "加州之都.“这座城市的样板是17号.5-mile-long 萨克拉门托河步道, which begins at the 日晷桥 and skirts along the riverbanks. (带上你自己的车或在 雷丁体育有限公司 or pego电动自行车.) The winter months bring a whole different set of family-friendly 户外活动, from skiing and snowboarding to showshoeing, sledding, snowmobiling; 请看此页 了解更多.


整理's up-and-co最小值g restaurant scene has lured top chefs from across the country. Sample the city's culinary prowess under the lofty ceiling at 马赛克的餐厅. 位于龟湾校区, this chic spot serves a modern bistro-style menu three meals a day (dinner entrées include Chilean sea bass, 烧鸭胸肉, 熏肉卷三文鱼). 在温暖的夜晚, 在绿树成荫的露台下用餐, then take an evening walk across the 日晷桥.

In 整理's revitalized downtown, step into the art-bedecked dining room at 咖啡馆Paradisio and choose from an on-point menu featuring beef cheek risotto and cauliflower fritto. 就在几个街区之外, 市集街刃 & 桶 specializes in American steakhouse classics: New York strip, 法国 onion soup, beef carpaccio. 在小镇的西边, 月长石小酒馆 serves only local organic produce, free-range meats, line-caught fish. For appetizers, don't miss the feta and pomegranate frybread.

While you're sampling 整理's culinary culture, check out its award-winning beverages, too. 早上喝咖啡 理论咖啡烘焙机, which has earned high honors as one of North America's most acclaimed coffee roasters. 啜饮工匠泡沫 福尔河酿酒公司, a top competitor at the Great American Beer Festival, 最终草案酿酒公司, where signature brews are paired with a tempting menu of pub food.


Choose among the quirky, the char最小值g, the tried-and-true for your overnight stay. Reserve a room with a picture-perfect view of the Sacramento River at the hilltop 雷丁希尔顿花园酒店或者以怀旧的20世纪60年代风格睡觉 雷鸟小屋这是雷丁市中心一家现代化的路边旅馆. 想要像当地人一样体验雷丁,就预定住在 Bridgehouse培育 & 早餐; it offers views of the Sacramento River and such amenities as a copper tub and a rooftop patio. 宠物友好型的 美国现代酒店 offers sleek rooms in the midst of 整理's bustling central district. For an eco-chic stay, book a room at the LEED-certified 日晷桥的雷丁喜来登酒店, which offers easy access to 龟湾探索公园, 喀斯喀特剧院, 市中心的餐馆.


Unsurprisingly, there is a lot to do in the great outdoors that surrounds 整理. Make the city your base camp while you set out to hike to waterfalls or have some fun on the water at Whiskeytown湖,或在这里欣赏壮丽的景色 Mt. 沙士达山. 水上运动、露营和钓鱼是这一天的主要活动 沙士达山湖而山地自行车爱好者则蜂拥而至 斯威西休闲区拉森火山国家公园 is also nearby, where you can walk amidst boiling mudpots on a raised boardwalk, 麦克阿瑟-伯尼瀑布州立纪念公园 也提供了一种独特的体验:129英尺 伯尼瀑布被誉为世界第八大奇迹. If just one waterfall isn’t enough, from 整理 you can head out on a chasing waterfalls 公路旅行 which will lead you to five of the state’s most impressive falls, 还有拉森火山国家公园. 更多想法,请点击 如何在沙斯塔瀑布度过一个完美的周末 这 沙斯塔喀斯喀特自驾游.





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