function OptanonWrapper() { window.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}San Francisco to Truckee
San Francisco to Truckee

San Francisco to Truckee

Heading east from the city, 你将沿着三角洲开车,在萨克拉门托过夜,然后爬上高山

Start:San Francisco
1 - 3Days,9Stops,Miles
San Francisco
George Clerk/Getty Images
River North Photography/Getty Images
Masullo Pizza
Maciej Nicgorski/Getty Images
The Citizen Hotel
Ryan McVay/Getty Images
Bbourdages/Getty Images
Ann Cutting/Getty Images
Nevada City
Rachid Dahnoun
Rachid Dahnoun
Stop 1

San Francisco

San Francisco

Famous for grand-dame Victorians, classic cable cars, dynamic diversity, trend-defining, Michelin-starred cuisine, a beautiful waterfront, and a soaring crimson bridge, San Francisco又名“滨海湾之城”,真正拥有一切,是必游之地.

Pedal bikes across the Golden Gate Bridge and back, then explore the lush Presidio, a former military base that’s now a park, 或者前往金门公园参观博物馆,划船穿过一块神秘的宝石, Stow Lake. 沿着平坦的Embarcadero大道继续前行,来到熙熙攘攘的渡轮大厦市场 Exploratorium 科学和学习博物馆,以及色彩缤纷的渔人码头.

Take a cable car ride to the mom-and-pop shops in bustling Chinatown, with a stop for a mai tai at Li Po这是一家老派的鸡尾酒吧,自1937年以来一直供应这款招牌鸡尾酒. 晚上,去剧院区看一场演出. For more nightlife and dining, stroll Valencia Street in the Mission, 时尚和兼收并蓄的餐厅和酒吧的温床, and awesome organic scoops at Xanath Ice Cream.


Golden Gate Bridge: 5 Amazing Things
Stop 2


1215 19th St, Sacramento

加州的州府正在经历一场充满活力的复兴. 寻找都市氛围的年轻人正涌入这座低调的城市, with microbreweries, gastropubs, 时尚精品店如雨后春笋般涌现. Award-winning chefs 他们对超本地化食材的关注是否获得了关注, 餐馆与周围农场和牧场之间的关系已经不是新鲜事了, but the norm. 炎热的夏日造就了这个州最美的夜晚, 当地人坐在优雅的维多利亚时代住宅的门廊上, 孩子们在绿树成荫的公园里蹦蹦跳跳,直到太阳下山.

As the state capital, there’s plenty going on, 在圆顶周围聚集着各色各样的人群 Capitol are common. 博物馆主要集中在国会广场和历史街区 Old Sacramento这里是经过改造的萨克拉门托河沿岸地区,在淘金热时期曾是一个核心枢纽. 去所有这些不同的地方都很容易,交通堵塞转瞬即逝. 被授予自行车友好金奖 League of American Bicyclists, 萨克拉门托也是一个骑自行车探索的好地方, with wide designated lanes, 沿着美国河和萨克拉门托河铺设小径. There’s also a convenient light rail system to linking popular sites around town.


Masullo Pizza

2711 Riverside Blvd, Sacramento

近年来,这座城市提升了餐厅的档次, 在兰德公园附近的马苏洛披萨店,你可以品尝到旧金山湾附近最好的柴火披萨. (Tip: Try the Neapolitan-style Gilda, 用橄榄浸泡,淋上马苏里拉奶酪, fontina, and persillade.)

Stop 5


11106 B Ave, Auburn

Auburn has plenty to enjoy—Gold Rush history, great food and wine, 户外运动——号称是世界上最具挑战性的耐力运动项目的举办地, 比如著名的100英里西部州耐力赛. The area also draws mountain bikers, hikers, and horseback riders, all taking advantage of trails lacing the Auburn State Recreation Area, 它保护了美国河的北叉和中叉的汇合处(两个受欢迎的激流漂流目的地).)

随着越来越多的葡萄酒商加入“淘金潮”——当地的一种说法 Placer County在附近的品酒室放松的机会也越来越多, 倒酒的人往往也是酿酒师. 好酒吸引好餐厅,奥本餐厅也是如此 Old Town is lined with them. Art galleries and antique shops abound. And get your citrus fix at the annual Mountain Mandarin Festival该活动于秋末在奥本的黄金乡村游乐场举行.

Plan your visit



13500 Lincoln Way, Auburn

前往池田的加州乡村市场, located in Auburn, for a house-made chicken pot pie. 这里有三种不同的苹果派(除了各种应季水果)。, but whatever you go with, 路上记得多拿一份.

Stop 7

Nevada City

317 W Broad St, Nevada City

在萨克拉门托东北60英里处,这个森林环绕的小村庄拥有漂亮的维多利亚时代房屋和绿树成荫的街道,是黄金之乡最美丽的城镇之一. 1849年,这里最初是一个采矿营地, Nevada City 以保存完好的核心历史建筑为特色, 包括加州最古老的运营结构,最初是为表演而建的, the 1865 Nevada Theatre从马克·吐温到Mötley克雷. Just around the corner, on Main Street, 一座带有维多利亚姜饼造型的钟楼消防站是一座紧凑的历史博物馆的所在地,在那里,尼塞南印第安人制作的复杂的烹饪篮子与早期居民和中国拓荒者的手工艺品一起展出. 带有木制阳台的19世纪完美建筑如今成了餐馆的所在地, 礼品店(在那里寻找热爱大自然的珍宝) The Earth Store), wine-tasting rooms, and antiques shops.

下载自助徒步游 Nevada City Chamber of Commerce.


Inn Town Campground

9 Kidder Ct, Nevada City

At the Inn Town Campground, 你会领略到户外的美景, 不管你是搭帐篷还是租他们的露营地, which come with a safari-like tent, real beds, electricity, 还可以去树林里的游泳池.

Stop 9


10183 Truckee Airport Rd, Truckee

坐落在高塞拉山脉,距离太浩湖北岸仅20分钟路程, Truckee 提供可持续的旅行体验,户外探险,和山的灵感艺术. 这座19世纪70年代的铁路小镇以其塔荷风格的时尚风格为傲,开创了啤酒厂的店面, brunch joints, and art galleries. (Top picks include Alibi Ale Works - Truckee Public HousePianeta, and Riverside Studios.在这个山城有许多文化可以发现. Take a weaving workshop at Atelier, fire a clay pot at Truckee Roundhouse, listen to jazz at Moody’s Bistro, Bar & Beats, or pick up new or used vinyl at Rock Cellar Records. 这种创造性的文化为特拉基赢得了城市的称号 California Cultural District in 2017. And this being the High Sierra, 当然,在温暖的月份里,有不间断的户外娱乐活动, choose from hiking, trail running, rock climbing, mountain biking, and horseback riding. In the winter, 特拉基坐落在距离太浩湖最好的滑雪胜地仅10-15分钟路程的地方, including Palisades TahoeNorthstar California Resort, and Sugar Bowl Resort.


Road Trip Snapshot

了解更多关于这个公路旅行的惊人地点. Ready to plan your trip? 打印行程或地图你的冒险开始.

Stop 1San Francisco
San Francisco
Stop 2Sacramento
1215 19th St, Sacramento
SPOTLIGHTThe Citizen Hotel
926 J St, Sacramento
    Stop 5Auburn
    11106 B Ave, Auburn
    Stop 7Nevada City
    317 W Broad St, Nevada City
    Stop 9Truckee
    10183 Truckee Airport Rd, Truckee

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